1. Online calculator for fast-growing hierarchy with Extended Buchholz Function
HomepageFor calculation of expressions of fast-growing hierarchy write below a natural number n>0 and a countable ordinal α written in the normal form for Extended Buchholz Function, i.e. α=0 or α=ψ0(β1)+...+ψ0(βk), where k≥1 and ψ0(β1)≥...≥ψ0(βk) and βi∈C0(βi) for 1≤i≤k. Each βi also should be written in the normal form, i.e. βi=0 or βi=ψν1(γ1)+...+ψνm(γm). Write "_{" before each subscript and "}" after it, even if this subscript is just 0. Don't use spaces. Write "p" instead of "ψ". A non-zero finite ordinal μ in the line for α should be written as p_{0}(0)+...+p_{0}(0) where p_{0}(0) repeats μ times. For example, instead of ψ0(ψ1(0)+ψ1(0)) write p_{0}(p_{p_{0}(0)}(0)+p_{p_{0}(0)}(0)). Some other examples of α you can find here. See also video with examples of work
n =
α =
2. Online calculator for Extended Arrows with Extended Buchholz Function
For calculation of expressions of Extended Arrows write below positive integers b, c and a countable ordinal α written in the normal form for Extended Buchholz Function. The requirements for filling in the line for α are the same as in case of the previous calculator.
b = ; c =
α =