Online converter of numbers to different numeral systems

1. Ancient Egyptian numerals up to 107
2. Ancient Greek numerals up to 108
3. Notation of Archimedes up to 1080000
4. Notation of Apollonius of Perga up to 1040000
5. Cyrillic numerals up to 106
6. Modern Chinese numerals up to 108
7. Suzhou numerals (unlimited)
See also: Video with examples of work of the converter

Ancient Egyptian numerals

Ancient Egyptian numeral system is a non-positional decimal system which used in Egypt from 3000 BC. The hieroglyphs 𓏺 𓎆 𓍢 𓆼 𓂭 𓆐 𓁨 respectively denote powers of ten 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000. In order to write the k-th multiple of some power of ten, the hieroglyph of this power should be repeated k times.

Write a natural number 107 > n > 0

n =

Ancient Greek (Ionian) numerals

Ancient Greek numeral system is an alphabetic decimal system which used in Greece from 5th century BC. The letters α β γ δ ε ς ζ η θ respectively denote integers from 1 to 9, the letters ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π Ϟ denote multiples of ten (from 10 to 90) and the letters ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Ϡ denote multiples of hundred (from 100 to 900). If the sign "͵" precedes a letter then the number, corresponding to this letter, is multiplied by 1000. If an integer k (1 ≤ k ≤ 9999) is written above or before the letter "M", then k is multiplied by 10000.

Write a natural number 108 > n > 0

n =

Notation of Archimedes

It is an extension of Greek numeral system. It was invented by Archimedes (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC). This notation uses powers of 108 (myriad of myriads). For positive integer k < 108, the k-th multiple of the n-th power of 108 is called "k των (n+1)-ων αριθμων" i.e. the k-th number from (n+1)-ths numbers.

Write a natural number 1080000 > n > 0

n =

Notation of Apollonius of Perga

It is an extension of Greek numeral system. It was invented by Apollonius of Perga (c. 240 BC – c. 190 BC). In this notation Mn denotes the n-th power of 10000. If a number is less than 10000 and written before Mn then this numbers is multiplied by Mn.

Write a natural number 1040000 > n > 0

n =

Cyrillic numerals

The Cyrillic numeral system is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This system originated from the Greek one and was used in Russia in the 10th – 17th centuries before reforms of Peter the Great. The letters А В Г Д Е Ѕ З И Ө respectively denote integers from 1 to 9, the letters І К Л М Н Ѯ О П Ч denote multiples of ten (from 10 to 90) and the letters Р С Т У Ф Х Ѱ Ѿ Ц denote multiples of hundred (from 100 to 900). If the sign "҂" precedes a letter then the number, corresponding to this letter, is multiplied by 1000.

Write a natural number 106 > n > 0

n =

Modern Chinese numerals

In this numeral system the signs 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 respectively denote integers from 1 to 9. The signs 十 百 千 respectively denote powers of ten 10, 100, 1000. If the sign denoting an integer k (1 ≤ k ≤ 9) precedes the sign denoting 10n, then together they denote the k-th multiple of the n-th power of ten. If an integer k (1 ≤ k ≤ 9999) is written before the sign "万", then k is multiplied by 10000. Note that the converter shows the Japanese version of Chinese numerals use.

Write a natural number 108 > n > 0

n =

Suzhou numerals

Suzhou numerals is a positional decimal system which was invented in China in time of Song dynasty (960 – 1279 AD) and was used until 20th century. In this numeral system, the signs 〇 〡 〢 〣 〤 〥 〦 〧 〨 〩 respectively denote integers from 0 to 9.

Write a natural number n ≥ 0

n =

© Denis Maksudov